Sunday, January 24, 2016

How to Make Your Resolutions Stick

       It has been over two weeks into the new year and I bet some people have already forgotten their New Years resolutions. Those who already forgot are mainly in these categories: 
- they wanted to join the conversation about the trending topic #newyearsresolution
- they wanted to tell the world about their new plans
- they want to change but ...

       Forgetting is very easy but we can remembering our plans even more easier. If you really want to make your New Years resolution stick through out the year, here are some fun ways to go about it.

Make it a Picture

        You know how we take pictures of our loved ones or of ourselves, print it out, put it in a frame and keep on our desk or beside our bed? You can do the same to your New Year resolutions. Write it down on a paper (colorful paper will work just fine), take a picture of it, print it out and put in a picture frame. You can put the paper inside a picture frame without taking a picture and printing it or even more better, use Microsoft word with a nice font style. Put the frame were you can see it when you walk in and out of the house everyday, that way you know you have something important you have to accomplish before the year runs out. 

Make it a Business Card 

        Business cards are beautiful, fun and easy to handle. You can make one using a cardboard paper or any thick paper, write your plans on it and put it in your wallet. Anytime you open your wallet you get a reminded of what you have to accomplish this year. 

Make it a Poster

         If you are an artist or you just love hanging things on your wall, you will love this one. Get an A5 paper, write your New Years resolutions and draw some designs on it. Put  it anywhere in your room. It will remind you of your years plan and also  add colour to your room. 

However you choose to remember your resolutions, faith, hope and prayer are great motivators and will go a long way in bringing your goals to life.

Let me know other ways you use to remember your new year's resolutions. Have a great week.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Making New Year Resolutions

I don't know what it is that make people feel they have to change every new year. Every 1st of January people start hearing and saying things like NEW YEAR RESOLUTION, New year, new me or new life or something else (help me out hear people). 

I don't mean to say it's a bad thing, NO, it is very good to make list of things we want to change and things we want to incorporate in our lives. The problem is out of 365 (+/-1) days in a year, we use only one or two days/weeks to deliberate on our New Year's plan. Most people go as far as writing it down (which is good), others  just say or post it on their social media pages on the 1st of January. 

If you want to make a plan, find a way to stick or don't make the plan at all. If you want to change, change! Telling the whole world you want to change won't make you change. 

What are some changes you want to make this new year? How would you be making this change?